Exploring Bronze in Shanghai Museum

Publisher:万晓旻Release time:2020-10-27Number of views:39

On October 23, international students from CIE went on a field trip to the Bronze Exhibition Hall in Shanghai Museum. During the trip, students finished six tasks in groups, including identifying different objects’ function, finding the designated bronzes according to the pictures, and filling in the blanks according to the introduction audio of the exhibits. All students were enthusiastic about the tasks.

Bronze is one of the important symbols of Chinese civilization. Through the field trip, students can understand the history of bronze and discover the beauty of bronze. Students can not only feel the broad and profound Chinese culture, but also understand the people's life from Shang Dynasty to Warring States Period.


Field Trip based on students' Chinese ability is one of CIE’s feature projects. Bronze Exploration is for the advanced level. CIE will carry on more field trips this semester for elementary and intermediate classes.