Qingming Break & Safety Tips

Publisher:万晓旻Release time:2021-03-30Number of views:16

Dear students,
The Qingming Festival is approaching! We will have 3 days off from April 3rd to April 5th , so please be noted that there is no class on April 5th, Monday. You may take a good rest but don’t forget to spare some time for learning.

Qing Tuan is what have to be mentioned when speak of Qingming Festival. Let’s get some knowledge of that snack!

What is a “Qingtuan”

One seasonal Qingming snack with which people living south of the Yangtze River are quite familiar is qingtuan. Qingtuan literally means green dough balls. Looking almost like ice cream balls, they are a kind of sweet green rice cake. Its dough is mixed with Chinese mugwort (or vegetable) juice, and gives off a fresh scent as the qingtuan are being made. The tradition of making qingtuan stretches back thousands of years in China. Throughout history, qingtuan has become an important Qingming Festival snack, one synonymous with honoring one's ancestors. Now, it is more of a seasonal snack and part of Qingming tradition. 

Qingtuan fad

In 2016, a Shanghai local food brand, Xinghualou, reintroduced the snack by filling the inside with meat floss, instead of the traditional sweet filling. The new variation became a hit that customers had to queue for 8 hours to get their quota......Now, Qingtuan has almost become the instagramable celebrity food of all the old & famous signature stores in Shanghai. It can be said that it is very fashionable to take a bite of the instagramable Qingtuan.
Are you ready to take a bite of Qingtuan?

Safety Tips

1. It is recommended that a mask should be worn when going out. A surgical or N95 mask should be worn when visiting public areas, hospitals or taking public transportation.
2. Avoid going to crowded places to reduce the risk of infection.
3. Keep your hands sanitized. Try to avoid touching objects in public areas. After returning from public areas, covering your cough, using the restroom, and before meals, please wash your hands with soap or liquid soap under running water. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes if you are unsure whether your hands are clean. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow joint when you sneeze or cough.
4.Monitor and record your health conditions. If you exhibit symptoms associated with novel corona-virus, wear a mask and seek immediate medical attention at a nearby hospital and report to the teacher in time.