Labour Day Break

Publisher:万晓旻Release time:2021-04-20Number of views:13

Dear students,    
The Labour Day is approaching! You must be as excited as I am now and can’t wait to arrange your perfect plan for the holiday. You may check the schedule below in order to take full advantage of the week-long holiday.

What?! We have 5 days off, which means we can sleep in for almost the entire week. OMG…I can’t believe my eyes. How can I be so lucky and why do I deserve such a long holiday?
Keep reading and you will know why.

Labour Day

Labour Day falls on May 1st  every year. Therefore, it is also known as “wu yi”,which literally means “five one” respectively standing for the month May and the date 1st. It is an international day which is celebrated by more than 80 countries worldwide. However, not all the countries regard May. 1st as the Labour Day. Moreover, even those who celebrate on the same day do not share the same way of celebration. Do you celebrate Labour Day in your country and what’s your way of celebration? You may send messages to tell us.

Here is the schedule of our university for your information.

Students Type

Days Off

Class Time on Weekends  

  Language Students

  May 1st--May 5th  


  Degree Students

May 1st--May 5th

April 25th (May 4th, Tuesday)
May 8th (May 5th , Wednesday)

Safety Tips

1. It is recommended that a mask should be worn when going out. A surgical or N95 mask should be worn when visiting public areas, hospitals or taking public transportation.

2. Avoid going to crowded places to reduce the risk of infection.

3. Keep your hands sanitized. Try to avoid touching objects in public areas. After returning from public areas, covering your cough, using the restroom, and before meals, please wash your hands with soap or liquid soap under running water. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes if you are unsure whether your hands are clean. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow joint when you sneeze or cough.

4. Monitor and record your health conditions. If you exhibit symptoms associated with novel corona-virus, wear a mask and seek immediate medical attention at a nearby hospital and report to the teacher in time.