

        近日,我校国际学生应邀参加由上海市高等院校海外交流联谊会协助举办的2024“一带一路”创新赋能营活动,商学院、二工大等我市部分高校、长三角地区中高职院校和外籍子女学校、海外马耳他高校等11所学校42名师生参与。代表我校参加活动的是电子电气工程学院2023级学生DAI MATEI-CRISTIAN(罗马尼亚)、NERGUIBAATAR KHUVITUGULDUR(蒙古)、MABEKA BALLANTYNE(津巴布韦)和管理学院IONET MIRUNA-ELENA(罗马尼亚)。四位学生表现了良好的综合素质,斩获一等奖和最佳创新奖。


        2024“一带一路”创新赋能营活动的参与者来自不同学校、不同国家或地区,以“感知、发展、分享“为主题。学生跨校组成团队,以Z世代的视角诠释,完成以AIGC生成个性化LOGO和为回力品牌设计制作宣传视频的任务,服务“上海制造”出海,分享并传播中国品牌及中华优秀传统文化。活动为 “线上+线下”,于2024年8月9日起开始线上学习和小组合作,于2024年10月16日至18日举行线下研讨和作品呈现。通过激烈角逐,NERGUIBAATAR KHUVITUGULDUR所在的团队获得一等奖,DAI MATEI-CRISTIAN带领的团队获得最佳创新奖。




The 'Belt and Road' Empowerment Camp was an incredible experience, well-organized and enriching. I’m grateful for the opportunity to represent my university and to have met so many inspiring individuals. The offline activities allowed me to form meaningful friendships, and I want to especially thank my team for their positivity and support—they made the experience even more rewarding. Winning the award wouldn’t have been possible without them. Although the event's conclusion left me with a sense of emptiness, it only highlights how impactful and profound this journey has been for all of us. My heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in making this event a success, and I hope our paths cross again soon. 


Attending the Belt and Road Innovation and Empowerment Camp focused on AI marketing was an eye-opening experience. I learned about cutting-edge AI tools and strategies that are transforming the marketing landscape. The sessions provided deep insights into how AI can drive customer engagement, optimize campaigns, and personalize marketing efforts on a global scale. I’m grateful for the opportunity to connect with industry leaders and peers, gaining practical skills and a broader understanding of AI’s role in shaping the future of marketing. Thank you to the organizers for this invaluable experience.

First and for most would like to thank the Belt and Road Empowerment camp organizers for this golden lifetime opportunity to be part of this amazing camp. I'm really grateful for the growth fostered during the period from the very beginning, every meeting online left me with some personal development and educational notes. The 3 day offline camp was special, spending time with great minds, amazing personalities and managed to connect better and made friends.
I learnt how AI is astonishingly useful in today's business and the future, from marketing, designing, building/ maintaining brand image, further more how to explore new markets globally as well as to strive and survive the difficult/ hostile market conditions a company might face as Huili did. In addition also got to experience the power and essence of teamwork. I cherish the lessons, experiences, connections and love showered by our leaders from the very beginning till the last day.


I am very grateful for my experience at “Belt and Road” Innovation and Empowerment Camp. I learned a lot during the almost 3 months of participating in this competition, from the online camp taking part in interactive workshops organized by kind and helpful teachers to the offline camp where I got the opportunity to meet many likeminded individuals working towards the same goal, which motivated me to work hard, while also attending fun, immersive activities meant to give me a deeper understanding of Chinese Culture and Heritage. Even though I didn’t come home with a prize, I acquired a lot of knowledge that helped me improve myself and prepare me for future competitions. I can happily say that I would participate again if I have the chance.